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- Juice offer
- Dairy offer
- Whey
- Buttermilk
- Lactose
- Powders with vegetable fat
- Yoghurts analogue
- Yoghurts
- Yoghurts with topper
- Aerated cheese
- Cream cheese
- Cottage cheese
- Curd cheese
- Milk
- Flavoured milk
- Juices
- Nectars
- Baverages
- Functional
- Lemonades
- Smoothies
- Carrot juices
- Tomato and vegetable juices
- For kids
- Concentrates
- Client zone
- Copyright 2018 Polmlek
- Client zone subpage 1
- Group page 2
- Corporate presentation
- Cream Cheese analogue
- Vegan offer
- Vegan drinks
- Vegan desserts
- Dairy offer
- Sery
- Typu holenderskiego
- Kefir
- Mleko
- Maślanka
- Twarogi
- Masło klarowane
- Masło
- Typu Mozzarella
- Produkt Seropodobny
- Powder products
- Blocks
- Butters
- Cheese
- Grated and granulated
- Fat mixes
- Processed cheese
- Cheese analogue
- Processed cheese
- Butter and fat mix
- Milk
- Cream cheese and curds
- Labneh analogue
- Cottage cheese
- Italian type cheese
- Desserts
- Yoghurts
- Homogenised cheese
- Sour cream
- Sour cream analogue
LACPOL – Twaróg krajeński półtłusty
1 kg
1 kg